Making Safety Happen: How To Build Your
Bottom Line With Safety Excellence
Everything you need to grow your safety culture
… immediately .
A new on-line course
Learn at your pace and on your schedule.
Tools to make it happen.
Practical/hands-on/no theory or fluff.
Success at Scale.
For companies of all sizes operating in high consequence industries.
Making Safety Happen: Enrollment Options

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Making Safety Happen: At Its Core
The following are core messages contained in Brian Fielkow’s Making Safety Happen Keynote. Content is customized to the requirements of each audience.
Click a module below to see more
To see any real change in your company, safety must become a central company-wide value, not a priority.
Here’s how we’ll do it:
- You’ll learn the foundational principles at the heart of excellent safety cultures.
- You’ll know the real cost of an accident.
- You’ll get clear on your current safety performance with a safety survey.
Now that you have a sense of the safety factors at risk in your organization, it’s time to address them directly. This may be the most important module in the course for your company.
What we'll do:
- You’ll be able to identify Common Safety Dysfunctions.
- Tear down the silos -- the organizational barriers that compete for safety.
- You’ll know the Honest Truth. Interpret the safety survey results from Course 1
The work starts here with the action-steps for ensuring company-wide buy-in. When you’re done with Module 3 your whole company will be ready to build your Safety Culture.
What we'll do:
- You’ll learn the difference between power versus authority and discover who really holds the power for change in your organization.
- You’ll learn the steps you need to create buy-in within the ranks.
- Discover how to obtain game-changing ideas from your front lines.
- You’ll discover practices that build a safety culture.
- You’ll build an internal safety brand that inspires pride and motivates your employees.
This module is where you’ll learn how to get your new Safety Culture to sustain itself long-term.
We’ll remove the common safety dysfunctions that lead to blame, reactivity, and lack of planning and introduce your team to the importance of both company-wide and individual accountability.
Here’s how we’ll do it:
- You’ll discover ways to eliminate toxic behavior.
- You’ll learn how to prevent complacency and shortcut taking.
- You’ll build accountability and safe behaviors within departments.
- Establish your commitment to safety.
This module will help you align your values with the process and help you find the right people to support your new Safety Culture.
You’ll learn how to encourage an unconditional respect for the process in order to ensure best practices are maintained even when times are tough or your company is growing.
What we'll do:
- You’ll learn why there is a single best way to do everything your company does.
- You’ll identify the best way to do what you do.
- You’ll learn how to eliminate noise and mixed-messages.
- You’ll discover training techniques specifically designed to grow your Safety Culture.
- You’ll learn how to write your safety process manual so that everyone in the company can easily follow it.
To truly stay on top of safety in every organization, measurement is key. This module will help you define the important safety indicators so that you can adapt and adjust as necessary.
Here’s how we’ll do it:
- You’ll define your life critical rules. Designed by the front-line employees, these rules save lives.
- You’ll identify your company’s lagging versus leading indicators.
- You’ll learn how to perform a Root Cause analysis.
- You’ll implement a “Near-Miss” program.
Making Safety Happen
Get Your Guide to a Healthy and Successful Safety Culture. You won’t find the keys to safety excellence in rules, regulations and handbooks! Safety excellence is rooted in a robust safety culture. It’s about behavior, philosophy and attitude from the board room to the front lines.
Why Now?
Dive Greater Profit
“An investment in safety, is an investment in your bottom line!”

Become World-Class
Brian helps you uncover your ability to attract world-class customers
Reduce/Remove Risk
Applied practices of Brian’s program have resulted in Lower insurance premiums
Focused Growth
Learn how to spend more time growing your business and less time cleaning up the mess
Improved Retention
Gain efficiency and productivity with a strategy to increase employee morale and retention…for good.
“How To” Guides making it easy for you to grow your safety culture
Get your teams thinking and talking about the behaviors required to achieve safety excellence.
Short videos to share with your employees to communicate critical expectations
Put 30 years of experience, to work for you. Here are the top reasons why you need to hire Brian Fielkow as YOUR next Safety speaker now…

30 years of executive leadership experience. Brian relates to his audiences as a peer. Practical, hands on advice. No fluff!
Experience leading privately held and Fortune 100 companies. Solutions that work in all environments. Easy to implement – High Value – Low Cost!
Presented internationally to tens of thousands on the how to build a healthy company culture.
Nationally recognized thought leader on topics of building engaged workforces and cultures that deliver bottom line results. Featured frequently in national media outlets including Fox Business, Inc, Wall Street Journal and Entrepreneur.
One of Houston’s most admired CEO’s (Houston Business Journal); National Safety Council Distinguished Service to Safety Award; Vistage International Leadership Award.
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